
Our logo is a bold and distinct representation of Daraz . To make sure our logo looks its best, we’ve defined a clear space, placement and its relation to other content.



Our logo has two lockups, a horizontal and a vertical option.

Horizontal lockup

Vertical lockup


Our box icon represents the endless possibilities of Daraz. 
It is carefully crafted to simultaneously resemble an open box and a lowercase d.


Our logo has clearspace to ensure legibility and impact. For our lockups we measure this using the width and height of the letter a in our wordmark.

Partnership lockup

Aligning partnership logos should follow clear space rules. The partner logo should never be bigger than our logo.


Our logo has been crafted to ensure legibility and consistency at different sizes. The smallest size the logo should be used is at 32px height (168px width). 

This excludes our favicon version which is to be used at 16px height.


Positive logos

Positive logos against white

Positive logo against coloured background combinations

Negative Logos

Positive logo against coloured background combinations


Our logo can be used in a number of different positions in layout. Typically our horizontal lockups are left or right aligned while our vertical lockups can be centred.

Centre alignment

When aligning the logo to the centre, treat the logo and the wordmark as one element. This applies both vertically and horizontally.


In small format when our logo lockup can't perform well, we use our icon to ensure the best legibility and recognition.

Logo on photography

To ensure the best legibility with photography, we can overlay a colour layer of Purple or white on top of the image at 10 - 20% opacity

No colour layer

15% opacity layer using purple

Colour contrast and photography

To ensure the best legibility with photography, ensure to use colour for the logo that has a strong visual contrast. Avoid placing the logo on visually busy parts of the background.

5% opacity layer using purple

10% opacity layer using purple

15% opacity layer using purple


We want our identity to always look its best. Avoid the following treatments when using our logo and wordmark.

Do not type out logo


Do not stretch logo


Do not place drop shadow on logo


Do not set logo in non-brand colours


Do not scale the box icon in the logo


Do not set logo in colours other than the specified combinations in the style guide


Do not place logos over faces


Do not use colours that make the logo illegible


Do not place the logo in visually complex areas.


In use

The following examples show effective applications of our logo.

Brand Guidelines

To view the Daraz brand guidelines visit this page on a desktop browser.