Our icons are functional assets to communicate
and instruct clearly throughout our product.
Two colour
Our icons can be made of two colours, a bright colour and a dark
colour. This gives the icons a sense of dimension and helps clarify
their purpose and meaning.
Our icons can be made of two colours, a bright colour and a dark
colour. This gives the icons a sense of dimension and helps clarify
their purpose and meaning.
One colour
There are single color versions of our icons, positive and negative. The
following guide provides the correct color pairings to ensure legibility
and accessibility.
There are single color versions of our icons, positive and negative. The
following guide provides the correct color pairings to ensure legibility
and accessibility.

Please avoid the following treatments when creating and using
iconography assets for Daraz.
Please avoid the following treatments when creating and using
iconography assets for Daraz.

Do not tint our icons

Do not add too many details to icons
Do not stretch or distort icons

Do not colour icons with non-approved colour pairings

Do not use more than 2 colours in an icon

Do not outline or apply effects to icons
In use
The following examples show effective applications of our
photographic style.
The following examples show effective applications of our
photographic style.