
Color is one of the core elements of our brand. Our distinctive palette is bold and expressive while also being flexible to suit a wide variety of needs.

Primary colours

Our primary brand colour is orange while our primary colour combination is orange and light blue.

Secondary colours

Our secondary palette includes purple, dark blue, pink, green, yellow and black and white.


Each one of our colours have a HEX and RBG value for digital applications, and a PMS and CMYK value for print.

Orange #F85606
18px 16px
White text Pass Not legible
Maroon Text Pass Pass
Teal text Pass Not legible
Purple text Pass Not legible
Light Blue #C2FFFA
18px 16px
Maroon text Pass Pass
Orange text Pass Pass
Purple text Pass Pass
Dark Blue #3F0686
18px 16px
White text Pass Pass
Orange text Pass Pass
Teal text Pass Pass
Pink text Pass Pass
Pink #FFA7FF
18px 16px
Maroon text Pass Pass
Purple text Pass Pass
Green text Pass Not legible
Yellow #F1FF51
18px 16px
Maroon text Pass Pass
Purple text Pass Pass
Orange text Pass Not legible
Green #007C65
18px 16px
White text Pass Pass
Maroon text Pass Not legible
Teal text Pass Not legible
Yellow text Pass Pass
18px 16px
White text Pass Not legible
Maroon text Pass Pass
Teal text Pass Not legible
Purple text Pass Not legible
18px 16px
Pass Pass
18px 16px
Pass Pass
18px 16px
Pass Pass
18px 16px
Pass Pass
18px 16px
Pass Pass
18px 16px
Pass Pass
1655 C
18px 16px
White text Pass Not legible
Maroon text Pass Pass
Teal text Pass Not legible
Purple text Pass Not legible
290 C
18px 16px
2372 C
18px 16px
244 C
18px 16px
100 C
18px 16px
7729 C
18px 16px
18px 16px
White text Pass Not legible
Maroon text Pass Pass
Teal text Pass Not legible
Purple text Pass Not legible
18px 16px
18px 16px
18px 16px
18px 16px
18px 16px

UI tints specifications

We also have a set of tints that we use exclusively in our UI.

Light Blue
Grey 90 #3F3F3F
Grey 80
Grey 60 #8D8D8D
Grey 40 #C6C6C6
Grey 20
Grey 10

Usage proportions

The Daraz palette is broad so we should always consider the proportions of colour that we use. In key brand moments we should always showcase the Daraz orange and teal combination first, while secondary colours are suitable to create variety in advertising, marketing material and other communications.

Corporate communications

The following tints may be used for corporate communications such as powerpoints when dealing with large groups of text or infographics.

Light Blue #E7FFFD
Dark Blue #D9CDE7
Green #CCE5E0
Yellow #FCFFDC
Purple #D9CCD8

Ways we use colour

For a more comprehensive understanding of how we use colour please refer to these sections of the guidelines.

In layout

In logo

In illustration

In typography

In system shapes

Colour combinations

Orange and teal are our primary colour combination. It is the leading colours that represent our brand.

These are our supporting colour combinations, they can be used across all of our other brand assets such as typography, graphic shapes, icons and illustrations.


Avoid the Dark Blue and Yellow colour combination.


Avoid any other colour combinations that are not in the 


Do not create new colours for the brand.


Avoid using purple for large background areas.


Avoid using dark blue for buttons.


Do not use tints for text or graphic elements.


Do not place tints on top of tints.


Do not use light tints on white


Do not use grey for graphic elements


In use

The following examples show effective applications of our colours

Brand Guidelines

To view the Daraz brand guidelines visit this page on a desktop browser.